
Our company produces natural gas and oil in the energy sector, pipelines ST High Pressure, Main Transmission Lines ST High Pressure Branch Lines, PE Distribution and Consumer (Service) Lines, RS, RMS (Different Capacity and Types), Pig Stations, Line and Branch Valves, Pressure It has successfully completed projects such as Compressor Stations and Industrial Mechanical Construction Works and put them into use.


Pipeline Construction Works

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects


Pipeline Mechanical and Welding Works

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects


Trenchless Directional Horizontal Drilling Works

Trenchless directional horizontal drilling applications for oil and gas pipeline projects


Tie-in Connections and Private Transition Construction

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects


Urban Gas Distribution Steel and Polyethylene Lines

Urban Gas Distribution Steel and Polyethylene Lines for oil and gas pipeline projects


Pipelines Displacement Works

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects


Hot-Tap Welding Works

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects


Pipeline Aboveground Facilities

Field and construction works for oil and gas pipeline projects